Over half of Poles oppose taking in refugees: survey

Fifty-five percent of Poles are opposed to their country taking in any refugees, according to a new survey.

Pollster CBOS found that compared to a survey in April, opposition to Poland taking in refugees has fallen among left-leaning voters – down by 12 percentage points. Among those who said they could not define their political views in terms of left-centre-right, opposition to refugees has fallen 8 percentage points. However, 39 percent of respondents overall say Poland should take in refugees from war-torn countries at least on a temporary basis, CBOS found.

Poland braced for EU Commission opinion amid row

Jarosław Kaczyński, the head of Poland’s ruling, conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party said earlier this month that the country would not accept refugees because they posed a threat to security. Kaczyński also said that Poland would oppose any European Commission proposals that would see EU member states having to pay EUR 250,000 per refugee if they refuse to accept their share of asylum-seekers.



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