Monday, September 23, 2024

Polish Tourism Entrepreneur becomes a finalist of FSB London Business Awards 2015

Curious Kat’s Adventure Club, South London based Travel and Events Company has been selected as a finalist of the FSB London Business Awards and its owner, Kat Wczesniak, a Polish female Entrepreneur became a finalist in the category: Entrepreneur of the year.

FSB Business awards are the highest accolade of achievement for small businesses in London. It not only endorses the owners’ determination, hard work and enterprise in business but also, according to FSB it is a testament to excellence. They have been awarded annually to the best businesses in London. Last year there were 950 entries out of which 46 best Businesses have been selected. It is a huge honour to join their ranks this year.

Curious Kat’s Adventure Club (, is a travel and events company. The core of our business is hosted travel. The unique approach is focused on creating and nurturing a community. This is what differentiates us from our competitors. We don’t just sell trips, our core purpose is fun experience and growth, which is a recipe for long lasting happiness. So while on the surface we may be selling holidays and events we are in fact selling joy and happiness and friendships.

Another unique feature of our business is that in addition to the trips, we offer smaller events around London, allowing people to get to know each other and the hosts, as well as providing an opportunity to keep in touch with people met on trips.

Kat Wczesniak, the owner of the company is proud to have been named one of the five best entrepreneurs of 2015. She loves how ‘running a small business allows me to create and shape the reality around me. It means that I can use my best skills and contribute to the local community with something truly special. It allows me to create happiness and joy for others and live my life the way I have always dreamt of. It also means that I can constantly challenge my customers and come up with the new ideas.’

It has been the most difficult challenge of her life, the biggest learning experience and while she knows there is still so much to learn and she is exhausted at times she claims to be loving every minute of it.



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