Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Poll: PiS and PO almost neck and neck

A new opinion survey shows that the two major parties Civic Platform (PO) and Law and Justice (PiS) share a similar support.

If elections were to be held last Sunday, a political grouping led by conservative PiS would have garnered 28 percent of the ballot, according to a poll by IBRIS for daily Rzeczpospolita.

Since the previous poll in June, PiS increased support by four percentage points.

Meanwhile, senior coalition member PO would receive 26 percent. This is an increase of five percentage points since June.

The minor parties, which has seen high support in previous polls have started to lose ground.

The as-yet-unnamed party led by rock musician Paweł Kukiz – the dark horse of the first round of the May presidential election – would gain 21 percent. In June, the IBRIS poll said that Kukiz would get more votes that PiS.

Support for NowoczesnaPL, a new party led by economist Ryszard Petru, also saw a wane in support. Only five percent declared they would vote for the party, a three percentage-point drop from June.

PSL, SLD and Korwin would gain five percent (+1pp), four percent and two percent respectively.



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