Polish Express helps Poles get on the property ladder in the UK!

The survey done in 2012 by Polish Express, the leading Polish newspaper in the UK on almost 100, 000 Poles shown that over 20% of Poles in the UK want to buy a new home. With new Help to Buy mortgage guarantee scheme available the figure could be even higher.

Getting on the property ladder is especially difficult for the migrants, with language barrier and unfamiliar property market being the main problems. For all Poles interested in buying a property in the UK either to live or rent, Polish Express runs a highly popular Property section with advice and information on the property buying in the UK. Banks, estate agents or mortgage experts share their knowledge with Polish readers to help them enter the property market.

There are around 2 million Poles living in the UK and according to research, they tend to be one of the most assimilated ethnic groups in the UK, with earnings above the average. Majority of them decided to settle here, and are seeking to buy their own property.


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