Sunday, September 22, 2024

Asylum for refugees to be paid for by EU

Government spokesperson Cezary Tomczyk has confirmed that the prospective asylum due to be given to 2000 refugees from Syria and Eritrea will be paid for by the EU.

The EU-led asylum initiative is designed to take pressure off Italy and Greece, where thousands of refugees are being held in temporary camps, as well to aid non-EU countries that are likewise struggling to cope with the ongoing exodus of asylum seekers.

In an interview with Polish Radio on Friday, Tomczyk stressed that the refugees had fled military conflicts in their homelands.

“Quite simply they would be killed if they stayed,” he argued.

“And that’s the truth about these people.

“The second very important piece of information is that all costs associated with the stay of these people in Poland will be covered by the European Union,” he underlined.

“This too is important, because a lot of our citizens are concerned about that, and there is nothing to hide.”

Although Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz has already declared that Poland will house 2000 refugees, the matter is due to be officially approved at a cabinet meeting, most probably next Tuesday.

The number of refugees expected to be given asylum is smaller than EU’s original proposal, as Brussels had wanted Poland to take in 2,659 from Italy and Greece and 962 refugees from camps outside the EU.

Poland is one of several EU countries that has been called on to take on a portion of the refugees.



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