Auschwitz families furious! Tour firm uses bus with images of real victims

A tourist bus with disturbing images of real victims of Nazi death camp Auschwitz has caused outrage among the victims’ families and Jewish leaders. Apparently, it has been carrying many tourists to promote the camp as a holiday destination.

With the images of real victims of the horrific Nazi death camp and a giant Star of David over the train tracks that took 1.1 million lives, the flanks of the bus display the horror of Auschwitz.

‘Come to Auschwitz-A journey through emotions. Our guides can speak Czech’ is what the lettering on the coach says in bold letters.

Although the bus was used as a film prop by Czech director Vit Klusak, he believes it was designed to promote Auschwitz and invite more people to visit the camp. Klusak added that his satirical art movie targets the real-life tourist industry that feeds off the World War II German death camp in Poland.

The bus was sold to a Czech tour bus company. With some tweaking, it began operating in Auschwitz gathering many people’s attention and condemnation at the same time.

An Auschwitz victim, Erika Bezdickova, who lost her entire family when she was just 13 was furious when asked about the bus. She said: I was absolutely appalled when I spotted the bus offering the tours to Auschwitz as a happy tourist destination.

She mentioned that the bus is advertising Auschwitz, not as an event for the people who are interested in the history, bus as entertainment. ‘I think only a person with no moral decency could make a business out of the Auschwitz catastrophe. Not only is it abominable, but those responsible should be punished too.’

Prague Jewish Museum Director Leo Pavlat spoke to the local media and said: ‘It advertises a trip to the former death camp as Auschwitz-style adventure tourism. We have sent a letter to them perhaps they did not realize the context, but the images have to be removed as soon as possible.’
However, the owner of the bus, Svatopluk Strava Auto Xaver, in Blucina, Czech Republic has refused to remove the images as he cannot afford a new paint job that is likely to cost around £1,300. He mentioned: ‘I use the bus to somehow earn money. Removing the stickers will destroy the paint finish.’



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