“British Jobs for British Workers” is NOT the Right Slogan

We understand the increasing social stress caused by the threat of job losses and the resentment of companies in the UK utilising subcontractors who rely exclusively on cheaper labour from outside the UK. The Federation wishes to point out, however, that many Polish workers, like other EU citizens, work legally in the UK, pay taxes and national insurance, as well as local council tax. They have contributed considerably to the British economy as skilled employees, wealth-creators, consumers and even as employers. They have every right to seek and obtain work on the same level playing field in the UK as British indigenous workers. British workers enjoy similar rights in other EU countries. British unions have recruited many workers as members and sought to ensure for them similar wage levels and working conditions as for British workers.
If the British trade unions and the national press wish to pursue the campaign against contracts that specifically discriminate against workers in this country, they should change their slogan to "UK jobs for UK taxpayers". In this way they would not be discriminationg against Polish and other EU workers working legitimately in this country and they would reduce the tension arisen in the last 3 weeks against all long term foreign residents in this country.
Federation of Poles in Great Britain

240 King Street,
London W6 0RF


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