Britons applying for polish passports

After the Brexit, the number of Britons enquiring about Polish passports has sky-rocketed by 10,000 according to the Polish Embassy.

Fearing that the Brexit might halt their free movement in Europe, many Brits have been inquiring the Polish Embassy for citizenship status.

The Polish Embassy in the UK reported that they have been receiving an overwhelming number of calls and emails from Brits seeking information about ways to get Polish passports.

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”We’re had a lot of calls and email enquiries from people enquiring about the possibilities of getting Polish citizenship. Since the reference, we’ve had 280 emails and around 700 phone calls so it’s been a big number. Before, we were only getting 10 enquiries in total each month,” said the embassy spokeswoman.

Under Polish laws, anyone born to at least on Polish parent is automatically eligible to get Polish citizenship that can also be claimed by people with Polish grandparents. However, it is not granted to the spouse of a Polish citizen.

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According to the Polish Embassy, the most enquires for Polish passport and citizenship come from British citizens who have Polish spouse and children.

”The other people who inquire are usually related to Poland because they have Polish relatives or Polish grandparents who are eligible to apply,” said the spokeswoman.

Recently some private companies have been advertising Polish citizenship and selling passports on social media. But the Polish Embassy has urged people not to fall prey to such companies as they could be selling fake passports and robbing people.

The spokeswoman explained, ” We do not support these type of companies that are trying to help get people get passports. Anyone interested to apply for Polish citizenship or passports must be eligible and apply through the official channels.”

Although it will take a minimum of two years for Britain to completely separate from the EU, the Irish minister for foreign affairs has reported last month that, ” the demand for Irish passports is on the rise since the Brexit.”



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