Cracow – Discover the cheapest holiday destination in Europe!

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According to the Post Office City Costs Barometer 2018 Cracow offers the best value for money. In the latest ranking Cracow overtook cities like Berlin, Rome, Dubrovnik and Lisbon. 

The ranking has been prepared based on price estimates from National and Regional Tourist Offices as well as on average accommodation costs presented by The Post Office City Costs Barometer 2018 gathered information on the total cost of a weekend trip to 36 cities in Europe. And as it turned out among the cities considered Cracow offers the best value for money. 

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Here's the list of the 19 cheapest holiday destinations in Europe:

1. Krakow, Poland – £164.80
2. Vilnius, Lithuania – £165.53
3. Riga, Latvia – £172.17
4. Warsaw, Poland – £180.53
5. Budapest, Hungary – £183.51
6. Moscow, Russia – £199.64
7. Prague, Czech Republic – £199.86
8. Athens, Greece – £200.42
9. Lisbon, Portugal – £208.85
10. Lille, France – £208.95
11. Valletta, Malta – £212.39
12. Dubrovnik, Croatia – £224.74
13. Strasbourg, France – £234.97
14. Nice, France – £245.57
15. Tallinn, Estonia – £252.19
16. Munich, Germany – £274.11
17. Rome, Italy – £281.86
18. Berlin, Germany – £282.22
19. Palma, Majorca – £283.45


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