Wednesday, September 25, 2024

EuCo President Tusk talks about govt resignations

Former Polish Prime Minister and current head of the European Council, Donald Tusk, has said that the decision by Polish PM Ewa Kopacz is a “political shock”.

“This is obviously a political shock. It always involves some risk. Such an earthquake on the political scene involves decisions taken only by tough and strong leaders,” Tusk told Polish reporters in Brussels.

“The weak crumble against such decisions, and the strong only become stronger,” he added.

Tusk also said that he briefly spoke with Prime Minister Kopacz during the EU-CELAC summit in Brussels.
“I said, as indeed I have always stressed, that she is really a hard, strong and resilient politician,” Tusk, the co-founder of the ruling Civic Platform (PO) party said.

PO politicians are currently embroiled in the so-called finance-tape scandal, which has already seen the resignation from their posts of nine people including cabinet ministers and high-ranking party members.
Polish Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz is expected to announce her new nominations next week.

The scandal has weakened the PO party, just months prior to a parliamentary election in autumn. According to recent polls, it would come in third after conservative Law and Justice (PiS) and a party run by rock musician Paweł Kukiz.



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