Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Foreign Minister: Poles will travel to Tunisia despite warnings

Polish Foreign Minister Grzegorz Schetyna said that despite travel blacklists issued by the ministry, Poles will still travel to dangerous countries such as Tunisia.

A terrorist attack on Friday on a beach in the seaside resort of Sousse in Tunisia saw the deaths of around 39 people.

Minister Schetyna told Polish Radio that on Friday as many as 3,000 Polish tourists were vacationing in Tunisia. In March three Polish tourists were killed in another terrorist attack at the Bardo Museum in the country capital Tunis.

The Foreign Minister explained that the ministry cannot force people to leave the country, and the most it can do is suggest that people choose safer destinations for their holidays.

Meanwhile, Polish tourists have started returning from Tunisia. Some told Polish Radio that they would return to the country in the future, and they didn’t feel threatened. “After all,” some said, “terrorism happened all around the world.”

For a complete list of the blacklisted countries, click here.



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