From now on you can read Polish Express in English and share it with your english-speaking friends!

It is from today that Polish Express is also available in English version – we want to be closer to ordinary British citizens and to open up to them. We care about the British who do not know the Polish language and therefore we want them to be able to read about what is happening to their Polish neighbours living in the UK. Let the language barrier not be a constraint in this case!

From now on the British will be able to read about the most important events concerning Polish community in the UK, both in Polish Express paper edition and online, on Polish Express website. We also want the British citizens to be widely informed about the issues concerning Poles in Great Britain. 

We do not want to close ourselves up within the walls of our Polish-speaking community and to form a closed group of people living only on its own. Poles are successfully integrating into the British society and we want our Polish newspaper to fully reflect it. 

We have been with Poles since 2003 and we have been accompanying them constantly throughout the years on emigration. Now that Brexit has become a fact, and the United Kingdom is preparing to leave the European Union, willing to reintroduce controls at its borders, we eliminate the boundaries, both symbolic and linguistic, to show that we are a part of this society which we have chosen for our second home. From today you can also share the articles published in Polish Express with your English-speaking friends, neighbours and colleagues.  



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