Monday, September 23, 2024

Grexit fears to affect Polish finances?

The result of the referendum in Greece could affect the global stock markets and exchange rates, economists say.

On Sunday, the Greek people overwhelmingly decided that they do not accept the conditions of international financial assistance.

Andrzej Sadowski from the Adam Smith Institute said that any abnormal political situation often leads to speculation in financial markets.

He argued that exchange rates changed at any extended negotiations with international creditors of Greece. Sadowski added that the Polish złoty also lost ground against other currencies.

The expert noted, however, that fluctuations are not real, only virtual and transient.

On the other hand, Katarzyna Pisarska of the European Academy of Diplomacy said that the Greeks voted with their hearts, not reason. She added that the win for the YES camp is a great success for the Greek government and strengthens the negotiating position of the government.

On Monday, the charismatic Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis tendered his resignation.



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