Dating apps and sites have become hugely popular in recent years, with a growing number of people now using them to find love. The good thing about dating online is that you can browse thousands of potential profiles and easily search for the kind of people who would be the best fit for you. It makes dating far more convenient and a lot simpler. However, it does come with one problem.
Many people who start dating online find it difficult to progress and arrange a real-life date. The ultimate goal of any time spent on a dating service should be to arrange to meet your matches in real life, where you can begin dating them for real. This can be difficult for some people, though, with many people struggling to find the right words.
If you’ve ever found it a challenge to meet people in real-life from free dating sites, you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know to turn your matches into real dates and hopefully find true love.
Create a Good Profile
The first step to success in online dating is to put effort into making your profile. You should aim to have at least three pictures of yourself, with each photo nice and clear. If you don’t have many photos, get a friend to take some of you, and make sure that you have some variety in terms of the clothes you’re wearing and the setting of the photos.
Aside from your pictures, you should also make sure you fill in the bio and interests, as this will help you find matches who share your hobbies and interests. Not only that, but it gives your matches something to talk to you about. If your profile is completely blank, you might think it looks mysterious and intriguing. However, you’re going to find it much harder to make a connection with your matches.
Be Interesting
This is easier said than done, especially when it comes to sending texts. Texting can be difficult, as it doesn’t allow for the expression of emotion, and texts can often be interpreted in different ways. However, you should always put effort into your messages to ensure that they’re unique and interesting. Single-word messages are more likely to be ignored and will ensure you don’t get very far.
Make sure you craft a unique opening message for each match, basing your text on their profile if possible. Being interesting will help you get a response, and sending good messages also helps you get to know your match better. Ask them about their hobbies, compliment their picture, or something similar.
Make Plans Soon
While you shouldn’t move things too fast, it’s important to make plans once you’ve started the conversation flowing. Build a bit of a connection first with some back-and-forth messaging, gauging the person’s interests based on the frequency and enthusiasm of their responses. Remember to keep things respectful, and ensure that you maintain interest with some witty banter if possible.
When making a plan for a date, keep things casual at first. Arrange something based on your mutual interests, or simply plan a coffee date where you can meet up and chat without any expectations. It’s better that way, as then there are no big time commitments, and it gives you a chance to see if you really match, where you can then plan your next date.
Choose a Time and Place
When planning your first meet-up, make sure it’s not too far off, as you want it to be sooner rather than later. It’s also a good idea to choose somewhere public, as this way you can both be comfortable meeting for the first time.
Finally, you shouldn’t ask, “do you want to meet up sometime?”. Instead, it’s better to ask them if they want to meet on a particular date. Being specific sounds more confident, and it helps to avoid any haggling over the time and date. Of course, you may still need to rearrange if they’re busy on that day, but it’s good to be specific.