Important information for British citizens living in Poland

Read what British citizens living in Poland need to know about their rights to stay in their Member State of residence after the UK leaves the EU.

Official information on site says that “there will be no change to the rights and status of UK nationals living in Poland while the UK remains in the EU”, but British people living in Poland shoud:

  • make sure they are correctly registered as residents in Poland
  • read essential information about UK nationals in the EU
  • follow their local British Embassy on Facebook and Twitter to be well informed
  • sign up for email updates from the British Embassy in Warsaw   

British people who are staying in Poland for more than 3 months, should register their address with Departament of Foreigners at their local Voivod office. They can also find out how to apply for permanent residency at their local Voivod office.

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Important information is that the UK and EU have agreed the full legal text of the draft Withdrawal Agreement in principle. And it states that British citizens will have right to stay in their Member State of residence after the UK leaves the EU on 20 March 2019.


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