Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Poland a bit more welcoming to migrants

Poland is rather a country of emigration, it is also a place chosen by thousands of foreigners.

As arises from the recent Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), the country is slightly more welcoming for immigrants than before.

A new law that entered into force in 2012 provides a clearer path to citizenship for foreigners.

However, Poland’s lack of an integration strategy for its non-EU residents is still reflected in its low MIPEX scores in most areas. For the last few years Poland’s minor improvements have not been enough to keep up with other countries catching up on integration. In this year’s MIPEX ranking Poland came 32 out of 38 countries.

Michał Owczarek spoke to Thomas Huddleston of the Migration Policy Group from Brussels, principal author of the Migrant Integration Policy Index for Poland.

“Poland is trying to make sure that people can clearly apply for citizenship with their clear right and that it’s not a discretionary, complicated procedure like you can see in a lot of other countries,” Thomas Huddleston said.



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