Polish girl who attends secondary school in Gloucester receives recently a coursebook with very specific map of European Union. On a map each country has it’s own flag, but polish girl quickly realized that it contains shameful mistakes when she was trying to find the flag of her own country.
The publisher of coursebook (Boomerang education) made a mistake twice! Firstly, on a map polish flag looks like the flag of the Netherlands. Secondly in a description of a map where publisher puts Monaco’s flag instead of polish one. None of the teaching staff of Ribston Hall Secondary School in Gloucester noticed these embarrassing mistakes, which could be important not only for the Polish girl. It also misleads other students.
We know about this case from the message from our reader who sent us a photo of his daughter coursebook. As he point out, and what we would agree: “Our country isn’t small, but as we know, it has big contribution to the defense of Great Britain during World War II. This matter is outrageous for the polish people. It undermines our patriotic feelings and also misleads British children”.