Data compiled by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) shows that Polish immigrants sent back close to EUR 1.9 billion in the first half of 2015, some EUR 5 million less than in the first six months of 2014.
Poles working abroad are sending increasingly less money back to their homeland, statistics have revealed.
“The drop in transfers of money to this country shows that more and more people who left no longer think about returning to Poland,” commented economist Karolina Sędzimir in an interview with the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily. The exodus from Poland began in 2004 when the country joined the European Union.
Although the main wave occurred in the first few years following the accession, the number of Poles abroad rose by 124,000 in 2014, with the current level at over 2.3 million. (nh/rk)