Saturday, September 28, 2024

President Komorowski lends Ukraine ‘a hand’

President Bronisław Komorowski told Ukrainian MPs on Thursday that Poland will support Ukraine with its European aspirations.

Speaking to the Verkhovna Rada, Komorowski said that “Poland holds out its hand not just due to political will, but because of our [bilateral] understanding of historical processes which encourage to regard Ukraine as an equal and important partner and neighbour”.

“This is not about the past, but rather about the future of Polish-Ukrainian relations,” Komorowski added.
The comments were made by Poland’s head of state in a speech which was attended by Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko as well as Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.

President Komorowski stressed the historical ties linking Poles and Ukrainians, recalling also the difficult and even tragic moments between both nations, especially during World War II.

“Let us remember that whenever Poles and Ukrainians turned against each other, this always played into the hands of some third party which lurked on our independence and freedom,” Komorowski told MPs.

Komorowski voiced hope that the present dialogue between Poland and Ukraine will not be disrupted by former historical feuds, speaking with respect of the sacrifice of Ukrainian people have made in the ongoing conflict in the Donbas.

“Today, when the sons of Ukraine are dying in the east of their country in the defense of national independence, they are also defending Europe,” Komorowski underlined.

“They are defending it against the return of imperial thinking, against policies that pose a threat to the freedom of all Europeans,” he added.

Komorowski added that the doors of the European Union should always remain open for Ukraine. At the same time, he encouraged Ukrainian authorities for a bolder approach towards radical reforms.



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