When incorporating a company, first ensure trustworthy personnel


When opening or expanding a business, you need to employ people. The right people. Do not ever economise on your employees. In building your professional team you’ll be assured of achieving so much more when you refuse to settle for less. You need to trust your people. You can’t be present in the office or available on the phone all the time, so do not spare on your human resources, as they are your most important asset. And nearly 35% companies worldwide find it difficult to secure competent personnel.


So, how do you find trustworthy employees who can be vested with a variety of challenging tasks and stay within their capabilities?


"When employing new specialists, I always consider how a particular person can contribute to the development of my company. Whether he or she is flexible enough, ambitious, ready to face new challenges” – says Agnieszka Moryc, Admiral Tax Managing Director and expert in tax optimization in the UK.


When I employ a specialist in our company, I must first of all be willing to cooperate with that person. I cannot imagine a situation where a team working in one office is not able to support one another, cannot communicate with one another and creates a bad work atmosphere. Simply put, a new specialist should match our team,” says Agnieszka Moryc.


"Besides competence, employee trustworthiness is of great importance – maybe even more so. Clients can trust us only if we trust ourselves first. And today customer confidence  one of the key factors that can help you stand out in the market and leave competition far behind” – adds Moryc.

Are you afraid of Brexit? Incorporate a company in Poland and secure the EU VAT number!


The Admiral Tax team did not hesitate to have itself verified within the Trusted Company program, as the company is going to benefit from the positive verification for a long time. When asked whether she makes all decisions herself or seeks her team’s advice, Moryc replied: "I would often ask the opinion of particular department leaders, but I would also frequently brainstorm within the whole team, because I can rely on them. And as I have already mentioned, I trust their knowledge, analytical skills and business intuition."


Do you run your own business? Get the Trusted Company (UK) certificate!

Ever since becoming positively verified and earning a Trusted Company certificate, Admiral Tax’s customer portfolio has grown. The professional team know very well that they have had great influence over the growing trust in their company. They also feel more appreciated now, and not only the company benefits, but every individual employee as well.

 4 major steps that can help you succeed in business – part I


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