Monday, September 23, 2024

Women’s Davos 2016 in Warsaw

“Women’s Davos,” otherwise known as the Women’s World Summit, will be held in Warsaw in 2016.

The initiator and organiser of the summit, Irene Natividad, stressed the significant role of women in Polish politics, but its lack in big business.

“Poland has made progress in terms of the presence of women in politics, which many countries have not been able to do. It’s important for us to visit countries that are ruled by women,” Natividad said. “You have a woman prime minister and most likely wil also after the elections.”

Ewa Kopacz has been Polish PM since December 2014 and Beata Szydło is the leader of the opposition party, Law and Justice’s (PiS), general election campaign in the autumn.

“In my country, the United States, only 22 women are CEOs of the 500 largest companies, a mere four percent. Therefore it should not surprise anyone that, during business meetings at the international level, whether at the World Trade Organisation, World Bank or the World Economic Forum, women are absent. That is why we created the Women’s World Summit, unofficially the ‘Female Davos’,” Natividad added.

Seventeen percent of the participants at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos were women (up from 15 percent in 2014). Of heads of state six percent are women and in eight percent of countries is a woman the head of government.

The summit is aimed at improving the position of women in the economy.



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