Life in the UK

Wiadomości dla Polaków za granicą

The Evolution of Casino Tourism in Europe and Its Impact on Polish Travelers

Casino resorts in Europe are no longer exclusive retreats. Learn how Polish travelers are blending culture, luxury, and gaming in their European journeys.

Is it worth the Gamble?

Cecil Rhodes once said that being born British is like winning life’s lottery. But is success a matter of luck or hard work? We explore lottery odds, real-life success stories, and whether fortune truly favors the prepared.

Modern Lifestyle: How Online Casinos Influence Our Entertainment

Partnership material The current pace of life is directly related to digital technology and casino no deposit bonus, which has...

Where Are The Polish Communities in the UK?

  Polish communities in the UK are quite widespread, but there are some areas where they are particularly prominent. Whether...

Mortgage Expert Explains how the UK mortgage market has changed due to COVID-19 and Brexit

Fot. Getty What is the current situation in the mortgage market in the UK? How Brexit has affected credit capacity...

Poles living abroad are protesting against limiting their voting rights in the upcoming presidential elections. Here’s their MANIFESTO

Poles living abroad issued a MANIFESTO against the disregard for their voting rights

Do you agree that the presidential elections in Poland should be postponed?

Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again

sponsored Cyberpunk is arguably the most awaited game of the year, and it has been delayed again. Gamers who have...

“For us this country is so much more than…” – A brilliant must-see film about Poland!

Fot. YouTube Wawel Castle, St. Mary's Basilica, Pier in Sopot, Gdańsk Shipyard where the Solidarity movement was born, as well...

Support the Polish guy who has created innovative project – SuperMarket3D

SuperMarket3D is a very innovative project created in the UK that can revolutionise the way you do the shopping...

A Pole living in London says what to keep in mind when seeking British citizenship

Since the Brexit referendum more and more Poles living in the United Kingdom are considering a return to Poland...

Inauguration of commemorations of 100th anniversary of Poland regaining independence

On Thursday, 18th October, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London hosted a press conference, which inaugurated...

Little-Known Regional Christmas Dishes from around Poland

Polish culinary tradition is extremely varied and each region serves dishes virtually unknown in other parts of the country....

Do you have a Packaged Bank Account? See how you can get up to £ 4,500 back!

Every person which has a bank account can be charged with unused and unnecessary services, for which the bank...

“I am one of those who, in life or in business, don’t give up easily!” Read about the problems of a Polish importer

When did you come to the UK? What have brought you here: personal matters or did you want to...

Polish labour camps in the UK

Instead of the salary they were promised in the UK, they got fear, humiliation, and returned to Poland empty-handed....

Polish sex business in the UK

As an old Polish proverb says, no job is beneath you. You’re in great luck if you do what...