How Brexit shattered Poles living in the UK. Polish mother responds to the moving letter from Brit Simon Crow

Read the absolutely amazing letter from Polish mother – a response to the moving letter from Brit Simon Crow. The majority of Poles, who have been living in the UK since the EU’s enlargement in 2004, feel shattered not only by the vote for Brexit but also by Brits’ reactions full of contempt and hatred.

Dear Simon Crow,

Thank you for your amazing letter. Your words reassured me that there is still a part of society in this country who thinks reasonable and can see the positive side and benefits of migration. Many of us found happiness, love and peaceful life in Great Britain same like British citizens found same things somewhere else. Migration is something natural it has been happening for centuries and it won’t change now no matter if we are in or out. I treat your country with a respect and I always thought it’s my 2nd home.. Until today.

Waking up this morning and being aware of current news made me feel foreign. I feel even more isolated than before because my future and future of many Poles is unknown. My husband and my kids are British citizens but I am not and fear is understandable in this situation as my status here may change drastically depending on decisions that going to be made.

Being born in different country shouldn’t be a clarification criteria. We are not worst or better than British citizens and we don’t want to be treated like this. Obviously you have got those who came here only to abuse the system and that definitely should be punished however there is many of us looking for a better settled life here.

I came to Wolverhampton when I was 19 to educate myself at the University and I adopted really well in reality at a time. Like most immigrants I respect yours and my culture and tradition and I want my kids to do the same that’s what I am teaching them. I work hard to help you build strong economy and country but this morning my polish morals went down and I realise that all our effort is not appreciated. In my opinion we (immigrants) are being blamed for everything that is bad during that horrible campaign, mainly for taking your jobs and benefits and even ruined NHS system (!!!) I think British government and politicians by using unreal facts builded up the model of a “bad immigrant” and increased number of hate and aggression towards us. That “name patch” stucked to us no matter what we do.

I want to see now how your Government does its magic as they promised. How they repair NHS, keep goods and food prices on the same level and how they motivate and make people currently on benefits going to work hard in factories or fields.

Let me see this happening Britain! It won’t happen in this life, I’m afraid…

I wish Great Britain all the best even tho I think they made a terrible mistake by voting “leave”. In the end of the day it’s a place where my home, memories and family is and I will still work hard, pay my taxes, loans and support local businesses to help you all. However I am Polish and I’m proud of it and despite the decision I will not let anyone to abuse me or anyone for that reason. If we all work together we can still be strong but you cannot make our life harder as it was is our chosen motherland and we love Great Britain as much as British citizens.

Anyway, Simon thank you for everything you said. I’m happy to say that there are still educated, knowledgeable and open minded people who don’t blame us for all bad things.


Julia Bull


“We are delighted to welcome Poles in the UK”! Read a touching letter from Polish Express reader


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